Ava menüü

Green hotel


The Green Key award is the leading standard for excellence in the field of environmental responsibility and sustainable operation within the tourism industry.     

Choose a green room and plant trees!

We have always wanted to be close to natuure and to give something back to natuure as a result of our activities, be it recycling or ecological solutions, for excample. We also want to offer our visitors the opportunity to support natuure, so we have added a „green room“ to the selection!


When choosind a green room, 3,70€ will be added to your bill, thanks to which we can plant 2 trees and ensure their care.


Thank you for choosing the green room and help us reduce the harmful impact of climate change!

Vestman Grupp helps plant and maintain trees.

More information: trees@vestman.ee





In its daily work, Kalev Spa makes environmentally conscious decisions and actions based on the company's long-term strategy and with sustainability principles in mind.

We try to handle the resources entrusted to us carefully, environmentally and economically.

Every employee of Kalev Spa does their best to have less impact on the environment with their daily activities.

Kalev Spa's management team takes environmental activities to heart and gradually trains the entire company's staff to follow the environmental policy in their daily activities.


  • measuring our energy and water use: turning off the lights after we leave the room and not letting water run unnecessarily,
  • including our guests in leaving a smaller footprint during their stay at our hotel,
  • only LED lights in the hotel,
  • the lights in the toilets and corridors operate on a system of sensors,
  • reducing the use of single-use packaging in our sales outlets and guest zones,
  • using methods to reduce our water consumption and encouraging guests to save water when washing up,
  • asking our guests to serve themselves only as much food as they can eat,
  • not using single-use slippers,
  • no shower caps in the rooms; they can be requested at the hotel reception for no extra charge,
  • changing out towels only when they have been left on the floor,
  • daily cleaning of rooms is carried out only if the guest has informed us that they want it,
  • we have moved to a QR-code based house guide to relay information to guests in their hotel rooms,
  • no plastic cups in the sports club; guests can put water in their own water bottle.


  • sorting waste and giving our guests opportunities to sort their waste: bio-waste, packaging, glass, paper, mixed waste, batteries/bulbs,
  • encouraging guests to drink our clean tap water,
  • renting out clean swimwear and swimming accessories that have been forgotten here,
  • shampoos and soaps are in reusable pump dispensers,
  • providing an opportunity for collecting batteries,
  • paper towels used in the hotel are biodegradable and have environmentally friendly (eco) certificates,
  • only using cleaning products with ecolabels in the hotel,
  • measuring our CO2 footprint every year,
  • encouraging guests to use means of transportation other than cars: trams, buses, trains, bicycles or walking.


We value local Estonian food and use local fresh ingredients as much as possible in the dishes, both in the hotel breakfast and in the A la Carte menu of the restaurant.

For example, we order the fish on our A la Carte menu from the Pähkla fish farm in Saaremaa, we use oyster mushroom from the Estonian mushroom farm, Andri-Peedo goat cheese, local mild mung beans and raw tartar from Tõrvaaugu organic farm. This is only a small part of the raw materials used by local producers.

We are constantly working to have more plant-based and vegan food options on our menu to offer our guests wonderful and healthy taste experiences.

We also pay special attention to packaging. We prefer sustainable packaging methods such as biodegradable materials or reusable containers.

Our restaurant Allee adapts the menu according to the season and available local ingredients to reduce the use of imported products.

We use only cage-free eggs in the preparation of our dishes.